October 11, 2010
Autumn and Life back home
August 18, 2010
Setteling in back home
We haven’t really settled yet as we are counting the days until we move into our new house. We are getting the keys 28th this month and are looking forward to that.
Ane stated school this week, studding to become a school teacher and the kids started schools last week.
Last weekend they went to a youth tournament in Heemskerk, Holland just 30 min outside Amsterdam.
June 23, 2010
Back in Denmark

We arrived at Copenhagen airport May 22nd and travelled with train across the country to Aarhus, our destination the first weeks in Denmark. We rented a small double bedroom apartment in my mum and dad's rental corporative.
We went to Haderslev the day after to watch Chris's new team play a game in the National U17 division. I was a bit odd as I watched Richmond SC U18 play Sunday the week before and now we were here.
The following weeks have been very busy and we are settling in very fast.
It is funny but it's like we haven't been away at all, everything are almost the same as when we left.
Chris went out with his old mates on their last day of school and had no problem joining the party.
Camilla is back to school only 3 days after we arrived and seems to be happy with that. She started playing Tennis in a local club and is enjoying it.
So I think it was the right thing to move back. We had 3 fantastic years in Melbourne but it feels good to be back and at the moment there is no sign that we will regret it.
Chris moved into his new apartment at the academy 1st June. It is a one bedroom apartment with a small kitchen and one toilet with a shower. The building have a larger shared kitchen, a washing room in the basement and a TV room to share between all 22 academy students. He have been training with the academy 5 times a week and have played his first practice game where he did well.
He will play another practice game this Sunday and after that have 3 weeks of holiday from Soccer. All players will keep training while on holiday and that include running and core strength.
At the first training session he realised that the pace of the game is a lot faster and the players technical skills are much better than he was used to in Melbourne. He has been working very hard so far and is getting more confident for every week. The coaches are satisfied with his attitude training effort and development.
He told me that one of the rules at training at Richmond was that he could not pass the ball to a defensive player under pressure, If he did the coach would have killed him. It was the same when he was training with the seniors at Richmond. But here they want him to pass it and the player control and pass on the ball using only one touch. That's the difference!
I am looking forward to watch him play this Sunday and see how much he have developed over the last 4 weeks.
I will take a few shots and update the blog and picture site.
We bought a house last week which we will move into 1st September and we are looking forward to it as the rented house we live in right now is crap. I will update with some pictures soon. The house is located only 10 min walk from the train station and at the same time only 10 min ride before I will be on a Danish country road.
I started my new work at Affecto 1st June and is already working for a client in Copenhagen. They have a Business Intelligence project running in their Nordic headquarters and they need a local consultant to help with ETL and reporting using Business Objects tools.
As the client is located in Copenhagen I will have to travel a lot but Denmark is small so I will be able to fly from Karup Airport, 20 drive from Viborg our home town, to Copenhagen and back every day and be home before 6 pm. A lot better than using Metro from Ormond to Melbourne CBD :-)
This week I have to fly to Oslo for a few days where I will be introduced to the project group and the current BI development before I start the project in Denmark.
I haven't really started training again, though I was riding 3 times last week. It was great to ride without any traffic. I counted all the cars I saw Sunday last week when I rode 60 km and I only saw 5 cars driving on the same road as me. This is one of the things I have missed while we have lived in Melbourne. I will try to ride more consistently over the next 3 month before the winter arrives.
Stay tuned and look out for a link to picture update over the next week or so.
May 11, 2010
Sidste indlæg Fra Melbourne
March 05, 2010
Et eventyr slutter og et nyt begynder
Vi har aldrig fortrudt at vi tog springet og fik afprøvet det som vi igennem mange år snakkede om at gøre. Nu har vi prøvet det og det har vaeret meget lærerigt, vi har som familie fået et meget tæt forhold som jeg ikke tror vi ville have fået hvis vi vi ikke var rejst ud.
Jeg har også fået arbejde i Danmark, hvor jeg skal starte den 1. juni og det glæder jeg mig meget til. Jeg har haft enkelte henvendelser bl.a. fra en gamle kunde, som kunne have været spændende at arbejde for, på grund af deres mange udfordrende projekter. Jeg fik også en henvendelse fra en gammel arbejdsplads som jeg var noget overrasket over, da det var min opfattelse at jeg ikke var ønsket I virksomheden, efter den måde som vi skiltes på.
Men jeg har fundet et rigtig godt og spændende arbejde og jeg glæder mig helt vildt til at komme igang med at arbejde på nogle spændende og udfordrende projekter i Norden. Virksomheden er måske nordens største BI konsulent forretning med masser af udviklingsmuligheder. Jeg er glad for at kunne bidrage med al min viden og ideer som passer rigtig godt ind i virksomhedes forretnings model.
Camilla har fået lov til at gå på VPR i juni måned og skal starte i 8 klasse efter sommerferien. Hun har belsuttet at hun gerne vil fortsætte med at spille tennis, når hun kommer hjem og så ”kun” ride et par gange om ugen. Hun kommer til at savne Netball som hun har gået til mens vi har været her, så måske hun skal prøve at spille Basketball når vi kommer hjem?
Christoffer skal starte på Haderslev Idræts Akademi til juli og gå på en 10 klasses skole i Haderslev til efteråret. Han skal måske allerede flytte til Haderslev inden ferien men det finder vi først ud af når vi kommer hjem. Lige nu spiller han for Franskston Pines U21 og U18 og træner sammen med Senior og U21 gruppen. Han glæder sig til at spille på noget ordentlig græs i stedet for de baner vi har herude.
Ane skal starte sin skolelære uddannelse op igen og skal læse den som fjernundervisning på Nørre Nissum seminarium og vil så I det omfang hun kan, tage nogle vikar timer eller andet forefaldende arbejde.
Jeg glæder mig også til de danske landeveje igen, jeg er efterhånden blevet rigtig godt træt af “Beach road” og trafikken herude. Jeg har heller aldrig vænnet mig til at træne kl 6 om morgen så det bliver rigtig dejligt at komme hjem til de lange sommeraftner hvor man kan cykle helt til kl. 22.
Maaske jeg skriver igen en eller to gange før min Australien blog blive helt passiv og til alle jer der har fulgt med, håber jeg I har fået noget ud af at læse om vores oplevelser og fået lidt indsigt i hvad det er, man er igennem når man flytter “hjemmefra” lille Danmark og ud I den store verden